Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life at Montaione, Sorana di Pescia, Italy

Miranda proud Grandma with Martino

St Querico



Sorana di Pescia

Sorana di Pescia

Sorana di Pescia

Sorana di Pescia

Porcupine quill found near Montaione

some of the 90 sheep and goats of Montaione

Argot surveys his domain


Sara & her moma Marietta

Grandma Miranda and Martino

Castelvecchio cemetry Rudolphos place of birth

 At Casa Rosa with Simone and her Father Reno following an invitation for coffee

view of Aramo from Sorana de Pescia

 Sorana de Pescia

Maguerita at her home in Sorana

Freshly picked delicious Porcini by Tobias from  secret locations in the woods surrounding Montaione

Freshly picked Porcini by Tobias from  secret locations in the woods surrounding montaione

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