David and Sharon are now back and look forward to catching up with relatives and friends having been away for 100 days exploring Europe and the Balkans

9th December 2011 
 David and Sharon are now back and look forward to catching up with relatives and friends having been away for 100 days exploring Europe and the Balkans

Hi All,

Finally got back having rescheduled our tunnel reservation 3 times!
Hope this email finds you all well and that the Xmas preparations are not too frenetic.

Its been an incredible experience living like gypsies for 100 days but also a real privilege to be able to undertake such a lengthy journey and take in so much along the way.

The facts!

Visited the following 16 countries:- France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, FYROM ( Macedonia ), Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands and finally Belgium more or less in this order. 

Apart from the stimulation of soaking up so many differing landscapes and cultures.

We were very touched by the hospitality extended to us by a total of 60!!! relatives and special friends spread across Europe. Who despite us not wishing to be tied down with dates willingly opened their doors with such short notice. Without exception we were treated like royalty!!. Catching up with their news and lives was very special. Also seeing their beautiful youngsters all of whom gave us big hugs and plenty of entertainment. 

Over 100 days away we spent 52 nights sleeping in Molly! our Romahome R30 campervan at locations which ranged from beautiful national parks and their mountains, forests, lakes, coastlines, islands, riversides and marshland. Or by water fountains in sleepy hamlets and villages. Market squares in small towns, monasteries, city car parks, sailing marinas, harbours to quaint fishing villages etc. In fact we only spent 3 nights on an official campsite in Slovakia because there were heightened concerns about security due to numerous thefts in the area from itinerant gypises who seem to be a law unto themselves!

Then 14 nights aboard beautiful Sunsail yachts whilst exploring the Ionian Sea in Greece.

Finally 34 nights with our friends and relatives.

We have nearly finished our blog which displays a selection of photos of our journey and can be viewed  at davidsharonlaming.blogspot.com

Best wishes to All

Dave and Sharon x