Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Images of Mostar, Bosnia Hercegovina ( 28.10.11 )

Bosnian Dosh-   
 Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark (BAM) 

well where else do you expect me to dry it!!!!

to see the graves of so many young men victims of such a recent war is dire tragedy!

Mostar Cafe culture

Think yourself lucky that we dont have signs like this in the UK

this was a deaf and dumb lady who managed the secure car park we slept in for 2 nights. She really was a diamond and totally committed to her job and making sure her customers were helped out at every opportunity not letting her problems with verbal  communication get i the way. She even gave Sharon a present she had handcrfted herself at the end of our stay.

The density of shell damage was hard to believe many buildings were absolutely peppered like this one by our   overnight spot in the car park.

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