Monday, November 14, 2011

Slovenskis Raj National Park, Pila & Piecky Canyon Walk, Slovakia

Sorry for poor quality of some of these shots light poor and cold seemed to have an effect on camera!
Some helpful notes of two treks by Christian:-

Distance: 15.7
Ascent 570m
Highest Point: 1004m

Departure/Destination Point:
Podlesok (Autocamping Podlesok)

Route Taken:
Sucha Bela (southern, green route) -> Pod Vtacim Hrbom (north-eastern, yellow route) -> Klastorisko Chata (eastern, red route) -> Klastorsky Roklina (northern, yellow route) -> Prielom Hornadu (north western, blue route)

This route recommended by everyone spoken to at work, also those working at Autocamping Podlesok. Blue skies, sun shining, frost covered ground greeted us on entrance to Sucha Bela which belongs to the most frequented gorges of he Slovak Paradise. 
From the end of Sucha Bela, coming to an intersection point where we could choose a number of routes, we sat in the sun for a brief minute, before heading off for our lunch spot, via Pod Vtacim Hrbom, Klastorisko Chata (hut). Basking in the sun during lunch, sat up against a hay pail, we enjoyed the warmth and sandwiches. To reach the camp again, due to the route through the previous gorge being one way, we had to head on through another gorge – Prielom Hornadu.

 DAY 2
Distance: 11.7
Ascent: 383m
Highest Point: 981m

Departure/Destination Point:
Pila (kindly dropped off by Rasti)

Route Taken:
Piecky (south eastern, yellow route) -> Pod Vtacim Hrbom (north-eastern, yellow route) -> Glacka Cesta (north western, red route)

The shorter of the two routes we were considering, equally as beautiful as the previous day, weather wise as well as route. The Piecky, lmie stone gorge, produced more woodern walkways, high, long ladders alongside waterfalls with icicles! Another nice lunch spot along this route, we took a slight detour off the track to find a location with a nice stream of sunshine through the woods. Quite a gentle trek down, back to the campsite, where we were greeted with some homemade wine that we all agreed tasted much like ribena! 

Pila Slavenski Raj Slovakia

Pila Slavenski Raj Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia 
Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia. Yes the silly bat in the background is Sharon!

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia. 

Walking the Piecky Route Slavenski Raj Nat Pk Slovakia

Rasty at Autocamp Podlesok introduces us to his superb homemade wine.

Chris and Sharon in last rays of sunshine.

Tantalising views of High Tatras with Poland beyond.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Cosy night in at Slovenski Raj Slovakia with Christian

Slovenski Raj Nat Park Slovakia- walking Sucha Bela canyon

Autocamp Podlesok Slovenskis Raj 
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The High Tataras from the Low Tatras

Exnarova Bratsilava Slovakia Christian Lamprecht Alena & Katka Ziakova

At long last a delicious fresh carrot and apple juice!Thanks Christian our nephew

and his lovely lady Alena 

Farmers mkt Bratislava

Farmers mkt Bratislava

en route north east

Gasthof Meyer Annaberg Austria and onto Roseburg plus quick tour into Czech Republic with Elizabeth and Gunther

As Remembrance Day approaches let us not forget those that laid down their lives for  our freedom today!

Elizabeth cuts Trudes Cardinal Schnittel a cake made in heaven specially made for our visit!

Austria dark green Czech republic light green

Walk across the border into Czech Republic prison cell usec in Communist Era